
The ceiling and I have become rather familiar with one another over the years, over a thousand tears. A multitude of face, races, places. A village. Prominent cracks. Unforgettable characters. Acts of decadence. Usually a bright light somewhere in between. A resounding air. A glimmer of hope. A wild imagination.


Your soul is fulfilled now, you searched tirelessly – You found more of yourself with every emerging layer. You found wholeness in absence. You created your own solid foundations. They told you pain was a great healer. It sure healed you.


I traced your pain back to broken promises,

Hopelessness in large quantities,

Waiting for someone to look inside your mind, ask you what the perplexity that you call life actually feels like.

They never see it through your eyes.

Your heart aching, your mind inundating.

Your eyes, appearing as thought you are vacant.

More blank space to fill the spaces,

As though you’re the only person on this earth who knows what pain is.

Beyond infinity

The space between the land and the sea,

Is what appears to be the proximity between you and me.

The abyss looks dismal, and up close appears to be just as bad, you could say abysmal.

The space between the land and the sea,

The spaces visible, but ones which you could never physically reach.

Only the eye holds the key, and there few eyes that actually see.


A mind aching with fragility,

A demeanour disconcerting.

A brain questioning its own ability

A heart longing to stop hurting.

The sensitivity of a poet,

A narrow corridor filled with doom,

Self destruction awaiting for you to approach it,

You and your thoughts alone in a dimly lit room.

Your mind a giant perplex.

Negative narratives invading your mind, these narratives you should never accept.

Running through the forest

Running through the forest, plagued by the captivating rustling of trees.

It’s comforting to a degree, yet always holds the power to beseech, grabbing at you mercilessly.

Your heart is heavy now, your mind, shattering, piece by piece.

There’s no freedom in running this time. Your legs are beginning to feel weak.

You’ve struggled to find peace, it’s always been so far out of your reach. Reverence never saved you neither did being anointed – Feelings, emotions always disjointed.

A futile reality mixed with a nebulous sense of clarity.

You’re running through the forest, and as daunting as it may feel, this is how you learn to breathe.